A Study on Crack Tolerance of Coke Tower and Its Life Prediction 焦碳塔的鼓胀、裂纹容限及寿命预测
Finite element analysis of thermal stress in transition section of coke tower 焦炭塔过渡段区域的热应力有限元分析
Stress Measurement and Analysis of the Weld of Coke Tower Skirt and Crack-Protection 焦炭塔裙座焊缝应力测试分析及其裂纹防治
Safety Analysis and Age Estimation to Coke Tower of Delayed Coking Device 延迟焦化装置&焦炭塔的安全分析与寿命评估
Single train LPG plant the stress analysis of oil-gas pipeline on top of the coke tower in large-scale coking unit 单套液化石油气装置大型焦化装置焦炭塔顶油气管道的受力分析
The Measuring and Analysis of the Temperature and Stress in the Weld Region of the Coke Tower Skirt 焦炭塔裙座焊缝区域温度及应力的测试与分析
These strategies prolonged the using life of coke tower greatly. 大幅度提高了焦炭塔的使用寿命。
Reasons for Coking in the Tube Joined to the Main Oil Gas Piping Exit at Coke Tower Top and Countermeasures 自航式浮式采油储油卸油油轮焦炭塔顶大油气管线出口接管结焦原因及措施
High-efficiency Treatment of Cooling Wastewater in Coke Tower by Compound Chemicals 复合药剂高效处理焦炭塔吹气冷却废水
Study on Thermal Variable Amplitude Fatigue for Nozzle Weld of Block Coke Valve of Coke Tower Caused by Thrust Forces and Moments of Pipe End 管端推力(矩)引起的焦炭塔堵焦阀接管焊缝的变幅值热疲劳研究
The Analysis of the Residual Life of Thermo-mechanical Fatigue of Coke Tower 焦炭塔的热机械疲劳剩余寿命分析
The reason of thinning out of the upper shell and spherical head for coke tower was analyzed briefly. The temporary repair measure was proposed. 对焦炭塔上部壳体和球形封头的减薄原因进行了简要分析,提出了临时修复措施。
Fatigue crack propagation rate on normal temperature for 20 g steel that has served a coke tower over its design life was studied. 对已超期服役且中度球化的焦炭塔20g材质在常温下的疲劳裂纹扩展速率da/dN进行了试验研究。
Stress analysis and Reform of Oil-gas Pipeline on Top of Coke Tower 焦炭塔塔顶大油气线应力分析及改造
Factors Influencing Coke Tower Manufacturing Quality and Control Measures 焦炭塔制造质量的影响因素及控制措施
The analysis of the residual life of thermo-mechanical fatigue of coke tower plays important roles in improving security and avoiding accidents. 焦炭塔热机械疲劳剩余寿命的分析对于保证焦炭塔的正常运行、防止事故的发生有着十分重要的意义。
Prediction of the Residual Life of Thermo-mechanical Fatigue of Coke Tower Based on Modified BP Neural Network 基于改进BP神经网络的焦炭塔热机械疲劳剩余寿命预测
Abstract The radial temperature difference and axial temperature gradient in the shell of coke tower have been served to calculate the stresses caused by them as set up a kinetic coordinates system, according to the practical process. 根据焦炭塔实际的操作条件,通过使用动坐标系建立塔壁二维温度场模型的方法,计算了焦炭塔塔壁的径向温差和轴向温度梯度,进而计算出其产生的应力。
The paper research the endurance strength of coke tower body's material and applied it to the residual life estimation of coke tower, the research is of great importance in analytical theory and engineering practice. 本论文系统的研究了焦炭塔塔体材料的持久强度并将持久强度应用到焦炭塔的剩余寿命评估中,具有重要的理论意义与实际工程意义。
The safe inspection and comprehensive evaluation to the coke tower in servicing 在役焦炭塔的安全检验及综合评定
The circumferential cracking of the skirt weld is a serious defect, which commonly exists in the coke tower in service. 焦炭塔裙座焊缝环向开裂是现役焦炭塔普遍存在的一种严重缺陷。
The coke tower has been designed according to the requirements of fatigue vessel and measures to prevent the welding seam between skirt and external vessel from cracking and base screw bolt from loosening have been adopted. 按疲劳容器的要求设计该塔,采取措施防止裙座与筒体焊缝处出现裂纹和塔底座螺栓松动。
Manufacture of the Butted Surfacing Welding Joint Skirt of Coke Tower 焦炭塔对接堆焊型裙座的制造
Analysis and Precaution on Flaw in Thick Plate of Coke Tower Frame 焦炭塔框架厚板裂缝的分析与预防
The repair of upper shell for coke tower 焦炭塔上部壳体修复
Coke tower is the key equipment in delayed coking unit in oil refinery. High temperature, cyclic temperature fatigue and coking and decoking process may bring about local serious deformation and base metal weld crack on the tower in a long time service. 焦炭塔是炼油厂延迟焦化的关键设备,长期在高温及充焦和除焦的冷热疲劳作用下运行,塔体常出现局部严重变形和母材焊缝开裂问题。
Coke tower is the core equipment coke process and use one of the worst equipment environment in multiphase environment, long-term experience severe pressure circulation and thermal circulation, can produce weld cracking and cylinder tower festival bouffant deformation. 焦炭塔是焦炭化工艺中的核心设备和使用环境最恶劣的设备之一,长期在多相环境中经受严厉的压力循环和热循环,会产生焊缝开裂及筒体塔节的鼓胀变形。
China has adopted this new structure in the new coke tower. 我国新建的焦炭塔,已经采用了这种新的结构。
For this reason a number of petrochemical companies and research institutes have invested heavily in research, and pay more effort to find the causes and solutions of improving the reliability problem of coke tower, but failure to find the method. 为此一些石化企业和科研单位相继投入大量资金研究和寻找引起焦炭塔失效的原因和解决办法,以便改善它的可靠性。
However, there is a need to analysis the stress of this type of coke tower. 但是有必要对这种结构焦炭塔的应力进行系统的分析。